Category Archives: Hidden Hideouts

Una pequeña Venecia en el corazón de Londres

A tan sólo unos minutos de la estación de Paddington y de Warwick Avenue el Regent’s Canal se une al Grand Union Canal creando un oasis de casas flotantes, sauces llorones, garzas, patos y mansiones millonarias que nos hace dudar, por un momento, que nos encontramos en pleno corazón de Londres. Bienvenidos a Little Venice!

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A beautiful, little square in Barcelona

Strolling through the Gothic Quarter offers unique spots where we can enjoy the silence and contemplate the history that is written on its walls. One such place is the beautiful Plaza de Sant Felip Neri very close to the Cathedral of Barcelona but away from the bustle of the busiest streets of the Gothic Quarter.

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5º 1ª…Let this place amaze you!

How about enjoying a sunset from an amazing terrace while your hair is being treated? Fancy a cocktail while you decide which hairstyle you are going to choose? I love to see the rooftops of Barcelona while my hair is being dried. I love that music! Shall We Dance ? No signs, no advertising, nothing at street level…. Its secret? Hands that treat your hair with care and a place that will amaze you. Juan and his team are lovely … Welcome to the 5º 1ª !

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